Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Homemade Deodorant

So I have been on the quest to find/create the perfect homemade deodorant for quite awhile now. I have hidradenitis suppurativa, so I have to be very careful what products I use in the armpit region. I don't want to use commercial deodorants, because they all contain aluminumy stuff and antiperspirant. Both of those things are big no-nos for HS sufferers, because they just block up pores (which is pretty much what HS does). I've tried a variety of organic store-bought deodorants, but usually end up with a rash. I have a recipe for homemade deodorant that I've used successfully, but it's crumbly and stupid and makes a big mess. Yeesh.

After complaining about deodorant woes with a friend, she mentioned to me that she had pinned a new deodorant recipe for me. Not gonna lie- I was skeptical. I decided to give it a shot, though. I used this tutorial:
It worked really well. I did have cocoa butter, but no shea butter. I didn't want to buy anything, so I used four tablespoons of cocoa butter and one tablespoon of coconut oil. Neither of them were deodorized, so they smelled like chocolate and coconut, respectively. I tried out the deodorant today, and am stench free after a day of running around the museum district. I'm going to continue to use this deodorant, and we'll see how it goes!

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