Monday, March 5, 2012

Minimally Processed March

So.... yeah. Blogging once a week hasn't worked out. But I'm upping my goal, and slogging forward with MINIMALLY PROCESSED MARCH!

And that applies to everything- food, clothing, beauty products, craft supplies, medicine. Maybe an experiment in frugality, maybe an experiment in social responsibility, maybe an experiment in being healthy. In all actuality, probably an experiment in finally realizing my potential as a damn filthy hippie. We'll see how it goes. Today was easy until I got home from the gym and found an overlooked package of EL Fudge striped cookies in the pantry. Sheesh.

Crafty-minimalist thingie for the week: 3 ingredient all natural air freshener! So easy to make, so potently scented (but not overwhelmingly, they smell awesome!)! Here are some jasmine and lavender scented ones.

Just gelatine, water, and essential oil. That's it. Impressive, no?

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